08 Aug 2023

Sefton Infants School is a great place to learn and build strong foundations for lifelong learning. Applications for Preschool and Kindergarten 2024 at Sefton Infants School are now available from the school office or the Sefton Infants School website.
Preschool 2024
To apply for Preschool enrolment, your child must be 4 years of age by 31st July 2024. It is strongly suggested that your child already be 4 years of age at the commencement of 2024 so that they are ready for a preschool setting. Sefton Infants Preschool is very popular. Student places for our preschool are limited to 40 children per year, therefore criteria for priority of enrolment are followed. This means priority is given to families who live within the school boundary, as well as to older children who must enrol in school the following year. Please refer to the Preschool Enrolment Policy on our school website for further information. It is also a government requirement that all children who attend all preschools must be up-to-date with their immunisation vaccinations.
Kindergarten 2024
To apply for Kindergarten enrolment, your child must be 5 years of age by 31st July 2024. It is strongly advised that your child already be 5 years and turning 6 years of age in 2024 to start Kindergarten as he/she will then be more likely to be ready for formal schooling. Legally, children do not need to start school until the year that they are turning 6 years of age. By this age, they are more mature and ready for the academic, physical and social demands of school.
Please visit our school office or our school website to collect an application form or to seek any more information about Sefton Infants School and Preschool. In addition to age requirements, priority enrolment criteria does apply, including initial places being offered to children living in the school’s local boundary area and/or whether they have siblings already enrolled at our school.
The early childhood education programs that run at Sefton Infants School are highly regarded in the local community. Student places are limited, so we recommend completing and submitting application forms as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Sharna Labbe