Sefton Infants School

Excellence in early childhood education

Telephone02 9644 4079

Safe, respectful learners

At Sefton Infants School, we are safe, respectful learners.

All students follow this core rule in all settings of our school.


  • Be in the right place
  • move safely
  • keep your hands and feet to yourself.


  • Follow teachers' instructions
  • be kind to others, let others learn
  • care for our school.


  • Try your best
  • be responsible for your own behaviour.

Our students participate in lessons to learn these school rules, making our classrooms and playground harmonious places where great learning can occur.

Positive behaviour is acknowledged and rewarded with 'Super Sefton Awards'.

Sefton Infants School student behaviour policies

Please read the SIS Student behaviour policy and SIS Anti-bullying policy to find out more about how we promote student wellbeing and positive behaviour at Sefton Infants School. 

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