Assessment and Rating
All prior to school education and care services are assessed and rated by their state or territory regulatory authority. Services are assessed against the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard.
Sefton Infants Preschool's current overall rating is Exceeding. Please see our most recent Assessment and Rating summary below:
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, Sefton Infants Preschool regularly self-assesses our service against the National Quality Standards and develops an annual Quality Improvement Plan.
2022 Sefton Infants Preschool Quality Improvement Plan
Sefton Infants Preschool values and respects our collaborative partnership with our families and community. We appreciate any input, participation and feedback from our families and community with our Quality Improvement Plan or for any other aspects of our program. You are always welcome to contact the preschool educators in person, via phone (School Office: 9644 4079; Preschool Office: 9644 6791) or through our online communication platforms (Class Dojo and Sentral) to add your contributions.
Raising Concerns
If at any time you have any queries or concerns involving your child and/or the preschool program, please do not hesitate to contact the Preschool Teacher in the first instance. Your concerns will then be addressed promptly and in accordance with our complaint handling procedures. Please refer to Raising concerns with your service for more information.
For more information:
National Quality Standard
Assessment and Rating Process
National Quality Framework and Regulations